Creating project

We are now ready to deploy a demo project, which is going to return us latest news from HackerNews: Hackernews demo

Fork the repository

Next navigate to and choose your newly created repository and click "Next": Choose repo

Next choose "Go 1.14" as version and click "Next": Language

Choose the plan for the application, for now we will choose "Basic": Basic

On the final page, change the "Folder" to "go-fullstack" and leave the rest of the settings as default: Deployment

Click on "Create" and navigate to your newly created project.

Click on "Builds" to view as the project is being built: Builds

And the log for the build: Build

After that navigate to "Application" tab, you should see how your application is deployed. Click on "View app" to see your application: View app

You should now be able to view your application. Try to change something in your Github repository and view how a new build will be triggered.
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Wed, May 17, 2023